Consolidated Social Work Services, Inc.
About Us
Helping to Create Pathways
Who We Are
Consolidated Social Work Services, Inc. (CSWS) is a grassroots, non-profit organization that works to connect people to resources and advocate for the needs of our community. We provide direct and referral services to those in need while assisting individuals and communities in obtaining social services. Additionally, we engage in networking and collaborating with other individuals, groups, and organizations to enhance community safety and wellness.
Like Us On Facebook!Our Mission
Our mission is to empower the individual and aid in their journey by providing wrap around support programs and services to the community.
We believe in the importance of community and strive to create a neighborhood that provides opportunity for each person to achieve their fullest potential.
We recognize the importance of justice, dignity, fairness, caring, equity, self-esteem, and self-sufficiency.
Programs and Services
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